Bachelor’s  (FRLLC) Modern Greek Studies: Modern Greek language and culture


This bachelor's degree, part of the Humanities and Social Sciences program, provides a comprehensive introduction to modern Greece. The curriculum assumes no linguistic prerequisites, and aims to deepen knowledge of the Greek language and its history. Aspects of modern Greek society, literature and civilization are also covered. This degree can form the core of your training in the humanities and social sciences, or can be added to your existing knowledge. The course is organized into six units, the first three of which form the basis of the fundamentals, focusing on the following themes: language, linguistics, literature, history, society and culture of the modern Greek world. 4 EU (Educational Units) are reserved for the learning of another modern language, while 5 EU are devoted to special courses. Finally, 6 EU aim to develop methodological and cross-disciplinary skills. Students can take advantage of Erasmus exchanges, and do a work placement in Greece or Cyprus. A laboratory internship in the teaching of Greek as a foreign language at the University of Strasbourg is also offered in the third year.


 Consult the  Bachelor's degree description as well as the teaching guide.


 For further information, please contact Irini Tsamadou-Jacoberger or Maria Zerva.



You can also choose Greek as your 2nd or 3rd working language when preparing for a degree:

  • LEA (Applied Foreign Languages), in combination with German or English as language A (with the option of choosing a third language as an introduction)
  • Languages and Interculturality(Mediterranean and Eastern Europe / Central Europe), in combination with two other languages. Ms. Tsamadou-Jacoberger is responsible for this degree.

              Greek is taught as an introductory language.